Ayuda de desarrollo
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(Redirigido desde «Asistencia al desarrollo»)La ayuda de desarrollo o cooperación de desarrollo es ayuda por parte de gobiernos y otras agencias para apoyar el desarrollo económico, social y político de países en desarrollo. Se distingue de la ayuda humanitaria por un enfoque hacía aliviar la pobreza, en lugar de aliviar el sufrimiento en un corto plazo. El termino cooperación de desarrollo se utiliza la OMS, entre otros,<ref> W.H.O. glossary of terms, "Development Cooperation" Accessed 25 January 2008 (and still there in 2009!) </ref> con la idea de avanzar la idea que el desarrollo debe ser un esfuerzo entre donante y recipieinte, en lugar de una situación en donde la relación se ve dominada por la riqueza y conocimiento especializado del donante. La mayoría de la ayuda de desarrollo se origina en los paises occidentales industrializados pero algunos paises de menos recursos también envíen ayuda.
La ayuda puede ser bilateral: desde un país hacía otro; o puede ser multilateral, de un país a una organización internacional tal como el Banco Mundial o una Agencia de las Naciones Unidas, cual luego lo distribuye entre diferentes paises. En el mundo aproximadamente 70% de la ayuda es bilateral y 30% multilateral.<ref>OECD Stats. Portal >> Extracts >> Development >> Other >> DAC1 Official and Private Flows. Retrieved April 2009. </ref>
Alrededor de 80 a 85% de la ayuda de desarrollo origina desde fuentes gubernamentales. Los 15 a 20% restante origina en organizaciones privadas como las ONG.
Algunos gobiernos incluyen a la asistencia militar entre la "ayuda extranjera", aunque muchas ONG desaprueban de esta práctica.
La Asistencia de Desarrollo Oficial es la medición de ayuda desde gobiernos, compilados por el Comité de Asistencia de Desarrollo del OECD desde 1969. DAC consiste de 22 de los paises donantes más grandes.
Lectura Adicional
- Gilbert Rist, The History of Development: From Western Origins to Global Faith, Zed Books, New Exp. Edition, 2002, ISBN 1842771817
- Perspectives on European Development Co-operation by O.Stokke
- European development cooperation and the poor by A.Cox, J.Healy and T.Voipio ISBN 0 333 74476 4
- Rethinking Poverty: Comparative perspectives from below. by W.Pansters, G.Dijkstra, E.Snel ISBN 90 232 3598 3
- European aid for poverty reduction in Tanzania by T.Voipio London, Overseas Development Institute, ISBN 0 85003 415 9
- The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and What Can Be Done About It by Paul Collier
Links Externos
- AidData: Tracking Development Finance
- Plantilla:Dmoz
- Ideas for Development - blog of heads of International Development Agencies
- Failed Expectations, Or What Is Behind the Marshall Plan for Post-Socialist Reconstruction, by Tanya Narozhna
- Centre for International Development Nijmgen
- Centre for International Development at Harvard University
- Assortis.com Tender alert service informing you of all newly published development aid tenders/procurement opportunities relevant to your organisations core areas of business activity by sector/region/funding agency. Published on a daily basis with business opportunities from more than 25 international/bilateral donor funding agencies including World Bank, European Commission, African Development Bank, DFID, EBRD amongst many others.
- Abhijit Banerjee & Ruimin He "Making Aid Work". MIT, 2003. (Full text).
- Abhijit Baerjee "Making Aid Work". Boston Review, March/April 2007.
- AidMarket
- AiDA: Accessible Information on Development Activities
- Zunia - Aid Effectiveness Topic Page
- Special Report on Aid Harmonization
- Håkan Malmqvist (2000), "Development Aid, Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Relief", Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Sweden [1]
- Andrew Rogerson with Adrian Hewitt and David Waldenberg (2004), "The International Aid System 2005–2010 Forces For and Against Change", ODI Working Paper 235 [2]
- Millions Saved A compilation of case studies of successful foreign assistance by the Center for Global Development.
- Aidharmonisation.org - working towards greater aid effectiveness
- The Development Executive Group. A source for international development tenders and procurements and foreign aid relief news from 80 major donor agencies.
- German Development Institute - the German think tank of development aid
- The US and Foreign Aid Assistance from globalissues.org looks at issues such as aid targets, and numbers, the effectiveness of aids, and the politics of aids; who it really benefits, etc.
- European Network on Debt and Development brings together NGOs from across Europe to monitor aid's impacts on poverty, produce research and conduct advocacy.
- African Voices A project aimed at improving EC Development Aid to Africa, through bringing African civil society voices to policy makers in Europe.
- Euforic makes information on Europe's development cooperation more accessible
- Arab Aid
- understanding development in a new way
- Developmentportal The Independent European Development Portal
- DevelopmentAid A source for organizations and individuals involved in the international development. Publishes tenders and procurements from international donors, individual and organizational profiles.
- Work on Development Aid by the Institute of Development Studies (IDS)