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Revisión del 15:47 2 jul 2015

La construcción de paz incluye intervenciones que se diseñana para prevenir el inicio o reinicio de conflicto violento a través de la creacíon de una paz sostenible. Las actividades de construcción de paz responden a las causas de raíz o causas potenciales de la violencia, creando una expectativa social para la resolución pacífica de conflictos y una establización socio-económica y política. La definición exacta varia según el actor, con algunas definiciones especificando qué actividades caen entre el enfoque de construcción de paz o restringiendo la construcción de paz a únicamente intervenciones pos-conflicto.

La construcción de paz incluye una gama amplia de esfuerzos de actores diversos de gobierno y la sociedad civil a niveles comunitarias, nacionales e internacionales para responder a las causas de raíz de la violencia y asegurar que los civiles cuentan con libertad de miedo o paz negativa, libertad de necesidades o paz positiva, y libertad de humillación antes, durantes y después del conflicto violento.

Las tareas incluídas en la construcción de paz varían según la situación y el agente de construcción de paz. Actividades exitosas de construcción de paz crean un ambiente que apoya una paz autosostenible y duradera; reconcilien opositores; previenen que el conflicto reinicia; integra la sociedad civil; crea un estado de derecho con mecanismos sostenibles; y responde a temas estructurales y sociales subyacentes. Investigadores y practicantes también encuentran cada vez más que la construcción de paz es más efectiva y duradera cuando depende de conceptos locales de paz y las dinámicas subyacentes que fomentan o hacen posible el conflicto.<ref>Plantilla:Cite journal</ref>


Aunque la construcción de paz ha quedado un concepto amorfuo sin guías claras u objetivos,<ref name="Jennifer M. Hazen 2007">Plantilla:Cite journal</ref> en todas las definiciones existen un acuerdo que mejorar la seguridad humana es la tarea central de la construcción de paz.

Aunque muchos de los objetivos de la construcción de paz cruzan que los de hacer la paz, mantener la paz y resolución de conflictos, es una idea distinta. Hacer la paz involucra parar una conflicto existente, mientras que la construcción de paz ocurre anterior a un conflicto o después de que se ha terminado. Mantenimiento de la paz previene que el conflicto reinicia después de un conflicto; no responde a las causas subyacentes de la violencia ni trabaja hacía un cambio social, tal como hace la construcción de paz. También es diferente en que la construcción de paz solamente puede ocurrir después de una cese del conflicto, no antes de que se inicie. La resolución de conflictos no incluye varios componentes de la construcción de paz, tales como construcción del Estado o desarrollo socioeconómico.

En el 2007, el Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas y su Comité de Política definió la construcción de paz de la siguiente manera: "La construcción de paz involucra un rango de medidas que buscan reducir el riesgo de caer o recaer en el conflicto a través del fortalecimiento de capacidades nacionales en todos los niveles para el manejo del conflicto, y crear las fundaciones para una paz sostenible y el desarrollo sostenible. Las estrategias de la construcción de paz tienen que ser coherentes y creados para las necesidades específicas del país en cuestión, basada en una apropiación nacional, y deben incluir un conjunto de actividades cuidadosamente priorizada y secuenciada para lograr algunos de los objetivos mencionados."<ref name="Peacebuilding and the UN" />

Existen dos enfoques amplios para la construcción de paz.

Primero, la construcción de paz puede hacer referencia al trabajo directo que intencionalmente se enfoque en responder a los factores impulsando o mitigando el conflicto. Cuando se aplica el termino "construcción de paz" a este trabajo, hay un intento explicito por parte de los diseñadores reducir la violencia estructural o directo.

Segundo, el termino de construcción de paz también puede hacer referencia a esfuerzos coordinar una estrategia multi-nivel y multi-sectorial, incluyendo asegurar que existe financiación y mecanismos apropiados de comunicación y coordinación entre la asistencia humanitaria, el desarrollo, la gobernanza, la seguridad, la justicia y otros sectores que pueden no utilizar el termino de construcción de paz para describirse. El concepto no se impone sobre los sectores. En lugar de esto, algunos académicos utilizan el termino de construcción de paz como un concepto de sombrilla útil para describir un rango de esfuerzos inter-relacionados.

Mientras que algunos utilizan el termino para hacer referencia solamente a contextos pos-conflicto o pos-guerra, la mayoría utilizan el termino más ampliamente para hacer referencia a cualquier etapa del conflicto. Anterior a violencia en un conflicto, esfuerzos de construcción de paz preventivos, tales como la diplomacía, el desarrollo económico, social, educacional, de salud, legal y de seguridad, responden a fuentes potenciales de inestabilidad y violencia. Esto también se conoce como prevención de conflictos. Los esfuerzos en la construcción de paz buscan manejar, mitigar, resolver y transformar los aspectos centrales del conflicto a través de la diplomacía oficial tal como a través de procesos de paz de la sociedad civil y el dialogo informal, la negociación y la mediación. La construcción de paz responde a causas económicas, sociales y políticas de la violencia y fomenta la reconciliación para prevenir el retorno de la violencia estructural y la violencia directa. Los esfuerzos de la construcción de paz buscan cambiar las creencias, actitudes y comportamientos para transformar las dinámicas de corto y largo plazo entre individuos y grupos hacía una coexistencia más estable y pacífica. La construcción de paz es un enfoque para un conjunto entero de esfuerzos inter-relacionados que apoyan la paz.


En los años 1970, el sociologo Noruego Johan Galtung primero creó el termino construcción de paz a través de su promoción de sistemas que crearían una paz sostenible. Tales sistemas necesitaban responder a las causas de raíz del conflicto y apoyar capacidad local para una gerencia de paz y resolución de conflictos.<ref name="Peacebuilding and the UN" /> El trabajo de Galtung enfatizó un enfoque de bajo hacía arriba que decentralizó estructuras sociales y económicas, resultando en una llamada para un cambio social desde estructuras de coerción y violencia hacía una cultura de paz. El sociologo norteamericano John Paul Lederach propuso un concepto distinto de construcción de paz que involucró la sociedad civil, las ONG y actores internacionales para crear un proceso de paz sostenible. Él no buscó el mismo grado de cambio estructural que Galtung.<ref>Keating XXXIV</ref>

La construcción de paz desde ese entonces ha expandido para incluir muchas dimensiones distintas, tales como desarmamento, desmovilización y reintegración (DDR) y la reconstrucción de instituciones gubernamentales, económicas y de la sociedad civil.<ref name="Peacebuilding and the UN" /> El concepto fue popularizado en la comunidad internacinal por el Secretario General Boutros Boutros-Ghali y su informe de 1992, Una Agenda para la Paz. Este informe definió la construcción de paz en el pos-conflicto como "una acción para identificar y apoyar estructuras que tienden a fortalecer y solidificar la paz para evitar un reinicio del conflicto."<ref name="Agenda for Peace" /> En el Cumbre Mundial del 2005, las Naciones Unidas empezó a crear una arquitectura de construcción de paz basada en las propuestas de Kofi Annan.<ref>Barnett 36</ref> La propuesta propuso tres organizaciones: la Comisión de Construcción de Paz de las Naciones Unidas, que fue fundada en 2005; el Fondo de Construcción de Paz de las Naciones Unidas, fundado en 2006; y la Oficina para el Apoyo de Construcción de Paz de las Naciones Unidas, que fue creado en el 2005. Estas tres organizaciones permiten al Secretario General coordinar los esfuerzos de paz de las Naciones Unidas.<ref name="PBSO about" /> El interés de los gobiernos nacionales en el tema también ha aumentado dado los miedos que los estados fracasados sirven como lugares de reclutamiento para el conflicto y el extremismo y por ende amenazan la seguridad internacional. Algunos estados han empezado a ver la construcción de paz como una manera de demostrar su relevancia.<ref>Barnett 43</ref> Sin embargo, las actividades en la construcción de paz siguen siendo porcentajes reducidas de presupuestos estatales.<ref name="Barnett 53">Barnett 53</ref>

El Plan Marshall fue una intervención de construcción de paz en el pos-conflicto de Europa en donde los Estados Unidos buscó reconstruir el continente europeo luego de la destrucción de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. El Plan tuvo éxito en promocionar el desarrollo económico en las zonas donde fue financiado.<ref>Sandole 92, 101</ref> Más recientemente, la construcción de paz ha sido implementado en situaciones de pos-conflicto en paises incluyendo Bosnia y Herzegovina, Kosovo, Irlanda de Norte, Chipre y Sudafrica. <ref>Sandole 35</ref>

Componentes de la construcción de paz

Las tareas incluidas en la construcción de paz varían según la situación y el agente de construcción de paz. Actividades exitosas de construcción de paz crean un ambiente que apoya una paz autosostenible y duradera; reconcilian opositores; previenen que el conflicto reinicia; integran la sociedad civil; crean mecanismos de estado de derecho; y responden a asuntos estructurales y sociales subyacentes. Para lograr estos objetivos, la construcción de paz deben responder a estructuras funcionales, condiciones emocionales y psicología social, estabilidad social, el estado de derecho y las sensibilidades éticas y culturales.<ref name="Peacebuilding" />

Las intervenciones de construcción de paz pre-conflicto buscan prevenir el inicio de un conflicto violento.<ref name="Keating XXXVII">Keating XXXVII</ref> Estas estrategias involucran una variedad de actores y sectores para transformar un conflicto.<ref name="Sandole 13-14">Sandole 13-14</ref> A pesar de que la definición de construcción de paz incluye intervenciones pre-conflictos, en la práctica la mayoría de intervenciones de construcción de paz son pos-conflictos.<ref>Sandole 12</ref> Sin embargo, muchos académicos en la construcción de paz abogan a favor de un enfoque en el pre-conflicto en el futuro.<ref name="Keating XXXVII"/><ref name="Sandole 13-14"/>

Existen multiples enfoques a la categorización de formas de construcción de paz entre los académicos de hoy en día.

Barnett et al. divide la construcción de paz en tres dimensiones: la establización de la zona pos-conflicto, la restauración de instituciones estatales y tratar con temas socioeconómicos. Las actividades entre la primera dimensión refuerzan la estabilidad estatal en el pos-conflicto y sirven de deterrente para que ex-combatientes vuelven a la guerra (DDR). La segunda dimensión de actividades construyen la capacidad del estado para proveer bienes públicos básicos y aumentar la legitimidad del Estado. Los programas en la tercera dimensión construyen una capacidad pos-conflicto manejar conflictos pacíficamente y promocionar el desarrollo socio-económico.<ref>Barnett et al 49-50</ref>

1a Dimension 2a Dimension 3a Dimension
  • Quitar las armas
  • Re-integrando ex-combatientes en la sociedad civil
  • Reconstruyendo instalaciones básicas, redes de transporte y comunicacionesies
  • Desarrollar sistemas del estado de derecho y la administración pública
  • Construir infraestructura educacional y de salud
  • Proveer la asistencia técnica y de construcción de capacidades para las instituciones
  • Crear instituciones estatales legítimos, democráticos y responsables al público
  • Empoderamiento de género
  • Aumentar conciencia de construcción de paz medioambiental
  • Promocionar el desarrollo económico
  • Desarrollar una sociedad civil y sector privado que pueden representar a diversas intereses y retar el estado de manera pacífica


A mixture of locally and internationally focused components is key to building a long-term sustainable peace.<ref name="Peacebuilding" /><ref>Mac Ginty 212</ref> Mac Ginty says that while different "indigenous" communities utilize different conflict resolution techniques, most of them share the common characteristics described in the table. Since indigenous peacebuilding practices arise from local communities, they are tailored to local context and culture in a way that generalized international peacebuilding approaches are not.<ref>Plantilla:Cite journal</ref>

Local, customary and traditional International
  • Respected local figures
  • Public dimension
  • Storytelling and airing of grievances
  • Emphasis on relationships
  • Reliance on local resources
  • Top-down: engages with national elites, not locals
  • Exclusive: deals are made behind closed doors
  • Technocratic/ahistorical basis: emphasis on 'striking a deal', 'moving on'
  • Modeled on corporate culture: reaching a deal, meeting deadlines prioritzed over relations
  • Relies on external personnel, ideas and material resources

Major organizations

Intergovernmental organizations

The United Nations participates in many aspects of peacebuilding, both through the peacebuilding architecture established in 2005-6 and through other agencies.

  • Peacebuilding architecture
    • UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC): intergovernmental advisory body<ref name="PBSO about" /> that brings together key actors, gathers resources, advises on strategies for post-conflict peacebuilding and highlights issues that might undermine peace.<ref name="PBC Mandate" />
    • UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF): supports peacebuilding activities that directly promote post-conflict stabilization and strengthen state and institutional capacity. PBF funding is either given for a maximum of two years immediately following conflict to jumpstart peacebuilding and recovery needs or given for up to three years to create a more structured peacebuilding process.<ref name="PBF how we fund" />
    • UN Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO): supports the Peacebuilding Commission with strategic advice and policy guidance, administers the Peacebuilding Fund and helps the Secretary-General coordinate UN agencies' peacebuilding efforts.<ref name="PBSO about" />
  • Other agencies
    • Peacebuilding Portal: provides information and develops communication networks in the peacebuilding community to build local, national, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations' capacity
    • UN Department of Political Affairs: postconflict peacebuilding
    • UN Development Programme: conflict prevention, peacebuilding, postconflict recovery<ref name="Barnett et al. 38">Barnett et al. 38</ref>

The World Bank and International Monetary Fund focus on the economic and financial aspects of peacebuilding. The World Bank assists in post-conflict reconstruction and recovery by helping rebuild society's socioeconomic framework. The International Monetary Fund deals with post-conflict recovery and peacebuilding by acting to restore assets and production levels.<ref name="Barnett et al. 38"/>

The EU's European Commission describes its peacebuilding activities as conflict prevention and management, and rehabilitation and reconstruction. Conflict prevention and management entails stopping the imminent outbreak of violence and encouraging a broad peace process. Rehabilitation and reconstruction deals with rebuilding the local economy and institutional capacity.<ref>Barnett et al. 43</ref> The European Commission Conflict Prevention and Peace building 2001-2010 was subjected to a major external evaluation conducted by Aide a la Decisions Economique (ADE) with the European Centre for Development Policy Management which was presented in 2011.<ref>ADE, Thematic Evaluation of European Commission Support to Conflict Prevention and Peace-building, Evaluation for the Evaluation Unit of DEVCO, October 2011,<></ref> The European External Action Service created in 2010 also has a specific Division of Conflict Prevention, Peacebuilding and Mediation.

Governmental organizations


  • French Ministry of Defence: operations include peacekeeping, political and constitutional processes, democratization, administrative state capacity, technical assistance for public finance and tax policy, and support for independent media
  • French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs: supports peace consolidation, including monitoring compliance with arms embargoes, deployment of peacekeeping troops, DDR, and deployment of police and gendarmerie in support of the rule of law
  • French Development Agency: focuses on crisis prevention through humanitarian action and development


  • German Federal Foreign Office: assists with conflict resolution and postconflict peacebuilding, including the establishment of stable state structures (rule of law, democracy, human rights, and security) and the creation of the potential for peace within civil society, the media, cultural affairs and education
  • German Federal Ministry of Defence: deals with the destruction of a country’s infrastructure resulting from intrastate conflict, security forces reform, demobilization of combatants, rebuilding the justice system and government structures and preparations for elections
  • German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development: addresses economic, social, ecological, and political conditions to help eliminate the structural causes of conflict and promote peaceful conflict management; issues addressed include poverty reduction, pro-poor sustainable economic growth, good governance and democracy


United Kingdom

  • UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office: performs a range of reconstruction activities required in the immediate aftermath of conflict
  • UK Ministry of Defence: deals with long-term activities addressing the underlying causes of conflict and the needs of the people
  • UK Department for International Development: works on conflict prevention (short-term activities to prevent the outbreak or recurrence of violent conflict) and peacebuilding (medium- and long-term actions to address the factors underlying violent conflict), including DDR programs; building the public institutions that provide security, transitional justice and reconciliation; and providing basic social services

United States

  • United States Department of State: aids postconflict states in establishing the basis for a lasting peace, good governance and sustainable development
  • United States Department of Defense: assists with reconstruction, including humanitarian assistance, public health, infrastructure, economic development, rule of law, civil administration and media; and stabilization, including security forces, communication skills, humanitarian capabilities and area expertise
  • United States Agency for International Development: performs immediate interventions to build momentum in support of the peace process including supporting peace negotiations; building citizen security; promoting reconciliation; and expanding democratic political processes<ref>Barnett et al. 38-40</ref>
  • United States Institute of Peace:

Nongovernmental organizations

  • Alliance for Peacebuilding: Washington D.C.-based nonprofit that works to prevent and resolve violent conflict through collaboration between government, intergovernmental organizations and nongovernmental organizations; and to increase awareness of peacebuilding policies and best practices
  • Berghof Foundation: Berlin-based independent, non-governmental and non-profit organisation that supports efforts to prevent political and social violence, and to achieve sustainable peace through conflict transformation.
  • Catholic Relief Services: Baltimore-based Catholic humanitarian agency that provides emergency relief post-disaster or post-conflict and encourages long-term development through peacebuilding and other activities
  • Conscience: Taxes for Peace not War: Organisation in London that promotes peacebuilding as an alternative to military security via a Peace Tax Bill and reform of the £1 billion UK Conflict, Stability and Security Fund.
  • Conciliation Resources: London-based independent organisation working with people in conflict to prevent violence and build peace.
  • Crisis Management Initiative: Helsinki-based organization that works to resolve conflict and build sustainable peace by bringing international peacebuilding experts and local leaders together
  • IIDA Women's Development Organisation is a Somali non-profit, politically independent, non-governmental organisation, created by women in order to work for peacebuilding and women’s rights defence in Somalia.
  • Initiatives of Change: global organization dedicated to "building trust across the world's divides" (of culture, nationality, belief, and background), involved in peacebuilding and peace consolidation since 1946<ref>Edward Luttwak "Franco-German Reconciliation: The overlooked role of the Moral Re-Armament movement", in Douglas Johnston and Cynthia Sampson (eds.), Religion, the Missing Dimension of Statecraft, Oxford University Press, 1994, pp37-63.</ref> and currently in the Great Lakes area of Africa,<ref>See the 2012 report of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), page 20 [2]</ref> Sierra Leone and other areas of conflict.
  • International Alert: London-based charity that works with people affected by violent conflict to improve their prospects for peace and helps shape and strength peacebuilding policies and practices
  • International Crisis Group: Brussels-based nonprofit that gives advice to governments and intergovernmental organizations on the prevention and resolution of deadly conflict
  • Interpeace: Geneva-based nonprofit and strategic partner of the United Nations that works to build lasting peace by following five core principles that put people at the center of the peacebuilding process
  • Jewish-Palestinian Living Room Dialogue Group: Since 1992 models and supports relationships among adversaries, while creating how-to documentary films. From 2003-2007, with Camp Tawonga brought hundreds of adults and youth from 50 towns in Palestine and Israel to successfully live and communicate together at the Palestinian-Jewish Family Peacemakers Camp—Oseh Shalom - Sanea al-Salam <ref>Peacemaker Camp 2007, website</ref>
  • Peace Direct: London-based charity that provides financial and administrative assistance to grassroots peacebuilding efforts and increases international awareness of both specific projects and grassroots peacebuilding in general;
  • Saferworld: UK-based independent international organisation working to prevent violent conflict and build safer lives;
  • Search for Common Ground: international organization founded in 1982 and working in 35 countries that uses evidence-based approaches to transform the way communities deal with conflict towards cooperative solutions;
  • Seeds of Peace: New York City-based nonprofit that works to empower youth from areas of conflict by inviting them to an international camp in Maine for leadership training and relationship building;
  • United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY Peacebuilders): The Hague-based network of young leaders and youth organizations that facilitates affiliated organizations' peacebuilding efforts through networking, sharing information, research and fundraising
  • Tuesday's Children: New York-based organization that brings together teens, ages 15–20, from the New York City area and around the world who share a “common bond”—the loss of a family member due to an act of terrorism. Launched in 2008, Project COMMON BOND has so far helped 308 teenagers from 15 different countries and territories turn their experiences losing a loved one to terrorism into positive actions that can help others exposed to similar tragedy. Participants share the vision of the program to “Let Our Past Change the Future.” <ref name="Project COMMON BOND">[3].</ref>
  • Karuna Center for Peacebuilding: U.S.-based international nonprofit organization that leads training and programs in post-conflict peacebuilding for government, development institutions, civil society organizations, and local communities
  • Nonviolent Peaceforce: Brussels-based nonprofit that promotes and implements unarmed civilian peacekeeping as a tool for reducing violence and protecting civilians in situations of violent conflict

Research and academic institutes

Role of women

Women have traditionally played a limited role in peacebuilding processes even though they often bear the responsibility for providing for their families' basic needs in the aftermath of violent conflict. They are especially likely to be unrepresented or underrepresented in negotiations, political decision-making, upper-level policymaking and senior judicial positions. Many societies' patriarchal cultures prevent them from recognizing the role women can play in peacebuilding.<ref>Porter 190</ref> However, many peacebuilding academics and the United Nations have recognized that women play a vital role in securing the three pillars of sustainable peace: economic recovery and reconciliation, social cohesion and development and political legitimacy, security and governance.<ref name="Policy Issues" /><ref>Porter 184</ref>

At the request of the Security Council, the Secretary-General issued a report on women's participation in peacebuilding in 2010. The report outlines the challenges women continue to face in participating in recovery and peacebuilding process and the negative impact this exclustion has on them and societies more broadly. To respond to these challenges, it advocates a comprehensive 7-point action plan covering the seven commitment areas: mediation; post-conflict planning; financing; civilian capacity; post-conflict governance; rule of law; and economic recovery. The action plan aims to facilitate progress on the women, peace and security agenda. The monitoring and implementation of this action plan is now being led jointly by the Peacebuilding Support Office and UN Women.<ref name="UN Women" /> In April 2011, the two organizations convened a workshop to ensure that women are included in future post-disaster and post-conflict planning documents. In the same year, the PBF selected seven gender-sensitive peacebuilding projects to receive $5 million in funding.<ref name="Policy Issues" />

Porter discusses the growing role of female leadership in countries prone to war and its impact on peacebuilding. When the book was written, seven countries prone to violent conflict had female heads of state. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf of Liberia and Michelle Bachelet of Chile were the first female heads of state from their respective countries and President Johnson-Sirleaf was the first female head of state in Africa. Both women utilized their gender to harness "the power of maternal symbolism - the hope that a woman could best close wounds left on their societies by war and dictatorship."<ref>Porter 185</ref>

Ongoing efforts

The UN Peacebuilding Commission works in Burundi, Central African Republic, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia and Sierra Leone<ref name="PBC Homepage" /> and the UN Peacebuilding Fund funds projects in Burundi, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Côte d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guatemala, Haiti, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Liberia, Nepal, Niger, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Sudan, Timor-Leste and Uganda.<ref name="PBF Countries" /> Other UN organizations are working in Haiti (MINUSTAH),<ref>Keating 120</ref> Lebanon,<ref>Mac Ginty 180</ref> Afghanistan, Kosovo and Iraq.

The World Bank's International Development Association maintains the Trust Fund for East Timor in Timor-Leste. The TFET has assisted reconstruction, community empowerment and local governance in the country.<ref>Keating XLII-XLIII</ref>

As part of the War in Afghanistan and the War in Iraq, the United States has invested $104 billion in reconstruction and relief efforts for the two countries. The Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund alone received $21 billion during FY2003 and FY2004.<ref>Tarnoff 14</ref> The money came from the United States Department of State, United States Agency for International Development and the United States Department of Defense and included funding for security, health, education, social welfare, governance, economic growth and humanitarian issues.<ref>Tarnoff 2</ref>

Civil society organisations sometimes even are working on Peacebuilding themselves. This for example is the case in Kenya, reports the magazine D+C Development and Cooperation. After the election riots in Kenya in 2008, civil society organisations started programmes to avoid similar disasters in the future, for instance the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) and peace meetings organised by the church and they supported the National Cohesion and Integration Commission.


In 2010, the UNPBC conducted a review of its work with the first four countries on its agenda.<ref name="2010 PBC Report" /> An independent review by the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting also highlighted some of the PBC's early successes and challenges.<ref name="Pulitzer Report" />


Jennifer Hazen <ref name="Jennifer M. Hazen 2007"/> contends there are two major debates relating to peacebuilding; the first centres on the role of the liberal democratic model in designing peacebuilding activities and measuring outcomes and the other one questions the role of third-party actors in peacebuliding.

Regarding the debate about the role of the liberal democratic model in peacebuilding, one side contends that liberal democracy is a viable end goal for peacebuilding activities in itself but that the activities implemented to achieve it need to be revised; a rushed transition to democratic elections and market economy can undermine stability and elections held or economic legislation enacted are an inappropriate yardstick for success. Institutional change is necessary and transitions need to be incremental. Another side contends that liberal democracy might be an insufficient or even inappropriate goal for peacebuilding efforts and that the focus must be on a social transformation to develop non-violent mechanisms of conflict resolution regardless of their form.<ref name="Jennifer M. Hazen 2007"/>

With regards to the role of third-party actors, David Chandler <ref>David Chandler, Empire in Denial: The Politics of State-building, London: Pluto Press, 2006.</ref> contends that external support creates dependency and undermines local and domestic politics, thus undermining autonomy and the capacity for self-governance and leaving governments weak and dependent on foreign assistance once the third-party actors depart. Since the logic of peacebuilding relies on building and strengthening institutions to alter societal beliefs and behaviour, success relies on the populations' endorsement of these institutions. Any third party attempt at institution building without genuine domestic support will result in hollow institutions - this can lead to a situation in which democratic institutions are established before domestic politics have developed in a liberal, democratic fashion, and an unstable polity.


Barnett et al. criticizes peacebuilding organizations for undertaking supply-driven rather than demand-driven peacebuilding; they provide the peacebuilding services in which their organization specializes, not necessarily those that the recipient most needs.<ref>Barnett 48</ref> In addition, he argues that many of their actions are based on organizations precedent rather than empirical analysis of which interventions are and are not effective.<ref name="Barnett 53"/> More recently, Ben Hillman has criticized international donor efforts to strengthen local governments in the wake of conflict. He argues that international donors typically do not have the knowledge, skills or resources to bring meaningful change to the way post-conflict societies are governed.<ref>[ Plantilla:Cite journal</ref><ref>[ Plantilla:Cite journal</ref>

Perpetuation of cultural hegemony

Many academics argue that peacebuilding is a manifestation of liberal internationalism and therefore imposes Western values and practices onto other cultures. Mac Ginty states that although peacebuilding does not project all aspects of Western culture on to the recipient states, it does transmit some of them, including concepts like neoliberalism that the West requires recipients of aid to follow more closely than most Western countries do.<ref>Mac Ginty 38</ref> Barnett also comments that the promotion of liberalization and democratization may undermine the peacebuilding process if security and stable institutions are not pursued concurrently.<ref>Barnett 51</ref> Richmond has shown how 'liberal peacebuilding' represents a political encounter that may produce a post-liberal form of peace. Local and international actors, norms, institutions and interests engage with each other in various different contexts, according to their respective power relations and their different conceptions of legitimate authority structures.<ref>Oliver P Richmond, A Post-Liberal Peace, Routledge, 2011</ref>

See also


<references> <ref name="Peacebuilding and the UN">Peacebuilding & The United Nations, United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office, United Nations. Retrieved 18 March 2012.</ref> <ref name="Agenda for Peace">Plantilla:Cite web</ref> <ref name="Peacebuilding">Plantilla:Cite web</ref> <ref name="PBC Mandate">Plantilla:Cite web</ref> <ref name="PBF how we fund">Plantilla:Cite web</ref> <ref name="PBSO about">Plantilla:Cite web</ref> <ref name="Policy Issues">Plantilla:Cite web</ref> <ref name="UN Women">Plantilla:Cite web</ref> <ref name="PBC Homepage">Plantilla:Cite web</ref> <ref name="PBF Countries">Plantilla:Cite web</ref> <ref name="2010 PBC Report">Plantilla:Cite web</ref> <ref name="Pulitzer Report">Plantilla:Cite web</ref> </references>


External links